- Beauty injections 12
- Beauty packages 1
- Body treatments 7
- Consultations 4
Facial treatments 18
Rejuvenating 10
- BioRePeel needle-free biorevitalisation
- Brightening light acid peel
- Chemical peeling
- Face and decollete massage
- Mesoestetic Age Element rejuvenating facial treatment with massage
- Microneedling collagen therapy with chemical peeling
- OxyGeneo injection-free rejuvenation
- Physiodermie anti-ageing facial treatment
- Physiodermie Express Brightening Treatment
- RF lifting
Rejuvenating 10
- Hair treatments 1
- Intimate area treatments 3
- Laser epilation 4
Laser procedures 12
- Birthmark and other skin lesions removal with a laser
- Carbon peeling with laser
- Fractional laser resurfacing
- Healing wounds with laser therapy
- IPL acne treatment
- IPL photorejuvenation
- IPL pigment spot removal
- Laser removal of warts and corns
- Photo-fractional laser rejuvenation
- Removal of capillaries and redness
- Scar removal with laser
- Vaginal laser therapy
- Tattoo and permanent make-up removal 1
Plasma therapy for hair
Look for appointment timesAesthetic nurses perform injection procedures under the supervision of a doctor.
Plasma therapy helps improve hair growth, strengthen existing hairs, and reduce their loss. The plasma used for the procedure is made by centrifugation from the blood of the customer itself. Plasma containing growth factors is then injected back into the patient’s scalp, which stimulates hair growth and improves the condition of the scalp. We perform plasma therapy using both the PRP and iPRF methods. Since the injectable material contains no additives or foreign material, it can be considered the most natural method of inhibiting hair thinning in women and men.
The methodology of plasma lifting is based on the influence of growth factors in platelets. In order to carry out the procedure, blood (about 15-30 ml) is taken from the client, while plasma enriched with platelets is extracted from the blood by a centrifuge. The plasma is then transferred to the scalp using the injection technique. During the procedure, stem cells and other cells in the hair follicle are stimulated, which promote healing and accelerate tissue recovery. The result is the growth of new hair and the strengthening of existing hair.
What are the contraindications?
- Oncological diseases, keloid scars
- Active inflammations including herpes
- Pregnancy and breastfeeding
- The procedure is not performed during antibiotic treatment
- Oncological diseases, keloid scars
- Active inflammations including herpes
- Pregnancy and breastfeeding
- The procedure is not performed during antibiotic treatment
How to prepare for the procedure?
- There must be a cap of at least 2 weeks with vaccination.
- If you are taking medication, please let us know before you come to the procedure. We recommend not taking blood-thinning medications for at least 1 week before the procedure (including Aspirin, Hjertemagnyl) if possible, and we recommend not consuming supplements containing fish oil and vitamin E for 1 week prior to injection.
- A few days before the procedure, strongly seasoned and fatty foods should be avoided in order to obtain the highest quality plasma from the blood for the best results.
- It is not recommended to consume alcohol for at least 1 day prior to the procedure.
- Procedure for persons under the age of 18 without the consent of a parent or guardian.
What to take into consideration after the procedure?
- Small bruises can also develop in the injection area, redness that will heal within a couple of days.
- Do not wash your hair the same day after the procedure.
- Within a couple of hours, do not touch or massage the injected area.
- It is not recommended to consume alcohol for at least 1 day after the procedure.
- It is not recommended to do active sports up to 1 week after the procedure.
- Avoid going to a sauna and hot bath for at least 2 weeks.
- There must be a cap of at least 2 weeks with vaccination.
For the best results, it is usually recommended to do a course of at least 3 times 2-4 weeks apart. Regarding the suitability of the procedure, the possible results and the possibility of combining treatments, we recommend consulting the nurse of aesthetic medicine before the procedure. We recommend consulting specialist before the procedure regarding the suitability of the procedure, possible results and the possibility of combining procedures.
We provide this service
PRP plasma therapy for hair
PRP plasma therapy for hair 3x session
iPRF plasma therapy for hair
iPRF plasma therapy for hair 3x session
We have several payment options. Read more HERE.
Plasma therapy for hair