Beauty injections

Fillers or beauty injections are very effective against wrinkles and for correcting facial features. Depending on skincare, genes and health, the first wrinkles usually appear in the 20s and 30s. For best results, start getting beauty injections when the first wrinkles and lines appear.

Fillers or beauty injections are very effective against wrinkles and for correcting facial features. Depending on skincare, genes and health, the first wrinkles usually appear in the 20s and 30s. For best results, start getting beauty injections when the first wrinkles and lines appear.

A botulinum injection (such as Botox or Dysport) can only be performed by a doctor. Beauty injections (including lip fillers) use the body’s own hyaluronic acid and can also be performed by a nurse.

Types of fillers and beauty injections:

  • Botox injections or botulinum injections remove wrinkles with botulinum toxin and correct facial features
  • Filler injections or fillers correct facial features (including lips) and fill out wrinkles
  • Biorevitalisation deeply moisturises the skin with hyaluronic acid
  • Plasmalifting or plasma injections naturally rejuvenate, using the patient’s own blood plasma
  • Mesotherapy deeply moisturises the skin with vitamins, amino acids, minerals and hyaluronic acid

Additional treatments include injections against excessive sweating, microneedling collagen therapy, lipolysis and meso-threads.


Dissolving injectable fillers

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Aesthetic nurses perform injection procedures under the supervision of a doctor.

An unfavourable result of injectable fillers can be dissolved and adjusted with the enzyme hyaluronidase. This may be required in an instance where a wrong technique, preparation or dose was used when performing an injectable filler procedure, if there is an unnatural result, the filler stays capsulated, or in the case of migration into the surface layer of the skin. It may also be necessary if there is a dangerous complication – the blood vessel is blocked or some other side effect.

We recommend starting the procedure from a consultation where the specialist individually evaluates the suitability of the dissolving and the possible results. If it is not possible to perform the booked procedure due to the client’s reasons, the client will be responsible for the consultation fee.

What is hyaluronidase?

Hyaluronidase is a genetically engineered protein enzyme that only works in case of a filler that contains hyaluronic acid. This enzyme has the capacity to dissolve the hyaluronic acid molecule and essentially remove the existing filler. The hyaluronidase enzyme also occurs naturally in the body. Its effectiveness is dependent on the concentration, amount, etc. of hyaluronic acid. The results of the hyaluronidase injection can be seen after 7-14 days, after which you may require an additional procedure to properly dissolve the filler.

What are the contraindications?

  • Allergy to bee or wasp stings
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Inflammation in the injection area, active herpes
  • Diminished immunity, oncological diseases, chronic diseases, etc.

How to prepare for the procedure of dissolving injectable fillers?

  • At least two weeks must have passed since any vaccinations.
  • Alcohol shouldn’t be consumed for at least a day before the procedure.
  • Don’t smoke for at least four hours before the procedure.
  • At least two weeks must have passed since any antibiotic treatments.

What should you take into consideration after the procedure?

  • There must be a 14 day period between the dissolution and the next dissolution or injectable filler.
  • Bruising may occur as a side effect, but it should subside in approximately seven days. In order to heal hematomas more rapidly, you may use gels available from the pharmacy, such as arnica gels.
  • There may be a local allergy, angioedema or urticaria. In the case of allergy or swelling, you may use an oral remedy such as an antihistamine (Loratin, Zyrtec, etc.).
  • Don’t use make-up products for at least 12 hours after the procedure.
  • Avoid visiting a sauna, spa or take a hot bath for at least two weeks.
  • Avoid exercising for two days.
  • Avoid dental treatment procedures for approximately one week.
  • Use sunscreen (SPF 50) every day.
  • Avoid massages and any facial care for at least two weeks.
  • Keep in mind that there will be swelling after the procedure, which can be reduced with a cold compress or allergy medication. We recommend not planning any significant events for the same day.

In the case of any doubts or concerns, feel free to contact the specialist who performed the procedure via customer support.


Confido Tartu Raatuse Clinic
Raatuse 21, Tartu


Duration up to
Consultation before the procedure
40 €
20 min
Dissolving injectable fillers
185 €
30 min

We have several payment options. Read more HERE.


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Dissolving injectable fillers