Beauty injections

Fillers or beauty injections are very effective against wrinkles and for correcting facial features. Depending on skincare, genes and health, the first wrinkles usually appear in the 20s and 30s. For best results, start getting beauty injections when the first wrinkles and lines appear.

Fillers or beauty injections are very effective against wrinkles and for correcting facial features. Depending on skincare, genes and health, the first wrinkles usually appear in the 20s and 30s. For best results, start getting beauty injections when the first wrinkles and lines appear.

A botulinum injection (such as Botox or Dysport) can only be performed by a doctor. Beauty injections (including lip fillers) use the body’s own hyaluronic acid and can also be performed by a nurse.

Types of fillers and beauty injections:

  • Botox injections or botulinum injections remove wrinkles with botulinum toxin and correct facial features
  • Filler injections or fillers correct facial features (including lips) and fill out wrinkles
  • Biorevitalisation deeply moisturises the skin with hyaluronic acid
  • Plasmalifting or plasma injections naturally rejuvenate, using the patient’s own blood plasma
  • Mesotherapy deeply moisturises the skin with vitamins, amino acids, minerals and hyaluronic acid

Additional treatments include injections against excessive sweating, microneedling collagen therapy, lipolysis and meso-threads.


Botulinum injections

Botulinum injections (so-called botox) reduce wrinkles caused by movements of the facial muscles with the aim of achieving a naturally younger and fresher look. The effect of botulinum also makes the skin smoother and the pores smaller. In addition, it is possible to make the shape of the face narrower by reducing the activity of the chewing muscles and highlight the jaw line by relaxing the platysma.

Botulinum injections contain botulism toxin, which relaxes the muscles and temporarily weakens their activity. Since many wrinkles are caused by the active work of the facial muscles, by weakening the activity of these muscles with small intramuscular or intradermal injections, facial wrinkles are smoothed out.

Botulinum injections can reduce

  • horizontal wrinkles on the forehead
  • the so-called evil wrinkle between the eyebrows
  • wrinkles in the eye area
  • nasal horizontal wrinkles, the so-called bunny lines
  • nose flare
  • wrinkles around the mouth
  • sunken corners of the mouth
  • a rough chin
  • horizontal wrinkles on the neck
  • muscle lines of the neck, the so-called turkey neck
  • exposure of the gums when smiling, the so-called gummy smile
  • reduce teeth grinding
  • also correct the front part of the jawline and highlight the jawline (Nefertiti’s neck)
  • turn the lower part of the face narrower (masticator muscle)
  • raise your eyebrows, tip of nose and upper lip (lip flip)
  • reduce excessive sweating

 The effect lasts until the transmissions and muscle activity are restored – on average 3-6 months. It depends on the characteristics of the person, injected doses, physical activity, etc. Then the muscle work is restored and the wrinkles on the skin come back, but with consistent injections they can be smoothed out.

Today’s approach to aesthetic medicine is based on maximising and preserving natural beauty. The goal is not an emotionless face but a more youthful and fresh look, maintaining minimal facial expressions. During the consultation before the procedure, the specialist selects the appropriate amounts and injection sites for your face.

 What are the contraindications?

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • acute infections
  • inflammatory processes in the skin
  • neuromuscular transmission disorders
  • oncological diseases
  • individual intolerance of the preparation

The doctor at Confido will make the final decision on the suitability of the procedure after the initial examination.

 How to prepare for the procedure?

  • At least two weeks must have passed since any vaccinations.
  • Alcohol should not be consumed for at least one day before the procedure.
  • If you are taking any medications, please inform us of them before coming for the procedure. We recommend that you do not take blood-thinning medications for at least one week before the procedure (including aspirin, Hjertemagnyl). In addition, we recommend that you not take supplements containing fish oil and vitamin E for the entire week prior to the injection.

 What should you take into consideration after the procedure?

  • After the procedure, there may be redness and slight swelling in the injection area, bruises may appear at the injection sites.
  • Make-up products should not be used for at least 12 hours after the injection procedure.
  • It is not recommended to lie down for a few hours after the injection. Do not touch the injected area.
  • Avoid massaging and performing other procedures in the injection area for at least two weeks.
  • Alcohol should not be consumed for at least one day after the procedure.
  • Avoid strenuous physical activity for the following three days.
  • Saunas and hot baths should be avoided for at least one week.
  • Avoid sunbathing for two weeks and use an SPF50 sunscreen.
  • At least two weeks must have passed since any vaccinations.

Regarding the suitability of the procedure, we recommend consulting with a specialist. If it is not possible to perform the booked procedure due to the client’s reasons, the client will be responsible for the consultation fee.

We provide this service

Viru Aesthetics Clinic
4th floor, Viru Square 4/6, Tallinn
Confido Tartu Raatuse Clinic
Raatuse 21, Tartu
Confido Medical Centre
Veerenni 51, Tallinn


Duration up to
Facial plastic surgeon consultation
110 €
30 min
Botulinum injections consultation
40 €
20 min
Horizontal forehead lines
180 €
Frown lines
180 €
Crow’s feet
180 €
Horizontal forehead and frown lines
290 €
Crow’s feet and frown lines
290 €
Horizontal forehead lines, crow’s feet and frown lines
380 €
Horizontal forehead lines and crow’s feet
340 €
Bunny lines
95 €
Lip lines
95 €
Corners of mouth
95 €
Dimpled chin
95 €
Corners of mouth and dimpled chin
140 €
Horizontal neck lines
210 €
Correction of jaw line (Nefertiti neck lift)
170 €
Slimming the lower part of face (masseter muscle)
325 €
Vertical muscle cords of the neck (the so-called turkey neck)
225 €
Full face
Horizontal forehead and frown lines, crow’s feet, lip lines, corners of mouth
495 €
Eyebrow lift
95 €
Reduce teeth grinding „gummy smile“
145 €
Reducing teeth grinding
325 €
Lifting tip of nose
80 €
Nose flare
80 €
Nose job
180 €
Wrinkles of the lower eyelids (Jelly Roll)
80 €
Lip flip
95 €

We have several payment options. Read more HERE.


Botulinum injections for upper face
Botulinum injections on lower face and neck
Excessive sweating injections

Botulinum injections