Confido Health Centre in Tallinn

Appointments of the patients of Dr Sergey Saadi’s list N0219, Dr Olev Pikk's list N0129 and Dr Marko Ölluk's list N0248 will take place at the Confido Health Centre.

Health Centre is open: Mon–Fri 8–17
Location: Veerenni 53a, 4th floor 

The patients of the family doctor lists N0219, N0129 and N0248 are seen by the medical centre Ennetuskliinik OÜ. 

Making an appointment

To see a family doctor or nurse, you need to make an appointment. For this, start the application via the new remote service. Pre-Appointment (Eelvisiit).

You can contact the reception by calling 670 1700 Mon-Fri 8-16. We can receive you only if you have a pre-booked appointment.

Family doctor Dr Olev Pikk (list N0129) – Room H11

Mon 8:30-12:30
Tue 8:30-12:30
Wed 8:30-12:30
Thu 12:30-18:00
Fri 8:30-12:30

Nurses Sergei Nikolaichuk , Anastasia Spiridonova and Jelizaveta Popova.

Family doctor Dr Sergey Saadi (list N0219) – Room H10

The list is staffed by general practitioners Dr Ilona Varkki.

Mon 8:30-12:30
Tue 13:00-17:00
Wed 13:00-17:00
Thu 12:30-18:00
Fri 12:00-16:00

Nurses Anastasia Spiridonova and Sergei Nikolaitšuk

Family doctor Dr Marko Ölluk (list N0248) – Room 4

Mon 8:30-12:30
Tue 13:00-17:00
Wed 13:00-17:00
Thu 08:30-12:30
Fri 13:00-16:00

Nurses Maris Laur ja Jelizaveta Popova

To register at the list, please fill in the application form:

Please send the digitally signed application to the address

Before the appointment, please view:


Pre-Appointment (Eelvisiit)

Once you have submitted your application, it will be handled by the medical centre. The family nurse or health analyst will refer it to the most appropriate person according to content and priority. You will be contacted or invited to an appointment as needed. In the case of prescription renewals, you will receive a message informing you when the prescription is ready, after the doctor’s approval. Pre-Appointment values your time as well as ours! 

Booking cancellation

If you are unable to come to the appointment, please make sure that you let us know in advance by phone.

In the event of unexpected health problems

If you need advice regarding a health problem outside of working hours, we recommend calling the Family Doctor Helpline at 1220. For urgent emergency assistance, go to the emergency room or call an ambulance at 112.

Paid services

Family doctor’s initial appointment for a person without health insurance 50 €
Repeated family doctor’s appointment for a person without health insurance 40 €
Family doctor’s consultation via a communication device for a person without health insurance 40 €
Family nurse’s initial appointment for a person without health insurance 30 €
Repeat family nurse’s appointment for a person without health insurance 25 €
Family nurse’s consultation via a communication device for a person without health insurance 25 €
Prescription renewal for a person without health insurance 20 €
Electrocardiography, archived in the image bank 25 €
Urine analysis with test strip 10 €
CRP rapid test 10 €
Clinical blood analysis with rapid analyser 10 €
Health certificate (family nurse’s appointment + chest X-ray) 35 €
Health certificate (family nurse’s appointment + 3 bacteriological analyses) for food handlers 65 €
Health certificate (family nurse’s appointment + chest X-ray + 2 bacteriological analyses) for animal handlers 75 €
Health certificate (family nurse’s appointment + chest X-ray + 3 bacteriological analyses) 80 €
Motor vehicle driver’s health certificate (C, CE, D, DE categories and professionals) 45 €
Motor vehicle driver’s health certificate (A, AM, B, BE categories) (including Defence League health certificate) 35 €
Weapons permit health certificate 50 €
Certificate 20 €
Certificate in a foreign language 30 €
Extract from the medical history 50 €
Duplicate certificate 10 €
Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis for children 37 €
Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis for adults 40 €
Vaccination against pneumococcal disease 75 €
Vaccination against chickenpox 65 €
Vaccination against the flu 20 €

Confido Health Centre – location and how to find us?

Confido Medical Centre
Veerenni 51, Tallinn

  1. 2 hours of parking are free with a parking clock In front of Veerenni 53A. The number of parking places is limited.

Parking is available nearby:

  1. In front of the Confido Medical Centre (Veerenni 51) you will find car park, zone EP100. The parking machine is in the lobby on the first floor of the Confido Medical Centre.
  2. There is a parking zone EP174 on the Töökoja 9 property..

Please follow the general parking rules and signposts. Parking is allowed only in designated areas. A driver who fails to follow the parking rules, does not use a parking meter or exceeds the time limit will be fined by EuroPark. Vehicles that disturb others will be moved.

Public transport
  • Bus No. 16 (Varre stop) – runs on the Väike-Õismäe – Tallinn-Väike route
  • Bus No. 3 (Varre stop) – runs on the Vana-Lõuna – Randla route; (direction towards Kopli)
  • Bus No. 28 (stops at both the Töökoja 1 stop (in front of Synlab) and the Varre stop) – runs on the Vana-Lõuna – Väike-Õismäe route
  • Bus No. 39 (Varre stop) – runs on the Vana-Lõuna – Liikuri route (direction towards Lasnamäe)
  • Bus No. 73 (Varre stop) – runs on the Vana-Lõuna – Kopli liinid route

We are located a 10-minute walk from the Renniotsa bus stop (on Järvevana tee), where buses 12, 13 and 45 stop. More information on bus routes is available at

Your opinion is important to us and helps us to provide the best possible service. Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with us.