
A urologist deals with diseases of the male urinary and genital organs and female urinary organs, as well as surgical treatment of adrenal gland diseases. The work of a urologist includes diseases that have occurred during life and also congenital developmental disorders.

Consultation with the urologist

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The urologist deals with diseases and congenital developmental disorders of both male and female urinary systems and male reproductive organs (tumours, kidney stones, prostate enlargement, enuresis, traumas).

The highly experienced urologists at Confido determine which cases need more specific examinations or surgical intervention. During the consultation, ultrasonography of the kidneys, urinary bladder or prostate gland is performed when needed. If necessary, the doctor will put together a plan of treatment and of action, as well as suggest the most appropriate clinic and doctor, and will give advice on how to prevent worsening of the condition.

We recommend visiting our urologists for monitoring of the tumours of the urinary system or sexual organs. In the case of recurrent kidney stones, we perform metabolic examinations that clarify the reasons for their recurrence.

We also provide this service within the framework of the Health Insurance Fund. An appointment financed by a contract with the Health Insurance Fund can only be booked by calling +372 666 2727 or at the Digital Registry »

NB! More information about Health Insurance Fund receptions here.

We accept patients from the age of 15.

We provide this service

Confido Medical Centre
Veerenni 51, Tallinn
Confido Tartu Raatuse Clinic
Raatuse 21, Tartu


Duration up to
Urologist consultation with a nurse
150 €
30 min
Urology resident consultation with a nurse
130 €
30 min
Urologist consultation (Tartu)
130 €
30 min

We have several payment options. Read more HERE.


Book in self-service
Appointment via Health Insurance Fund

Consultation with the urologist