
A pediatrician, or pediatrician, deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases in children of all ages and adolescents up to 18 years of age. Pediatricians cooperate with specialists in several fields and, if necessary, refer the child to a suitable doctor. The main problems and reasons for visiting a pediatrician: are childhood diseases, problems in the child’s development, newborn screening, and child vaccination.

Several specialists and doctors focused on children work at Confido: a special pedagogue-consultant, a children’s pulmonologist, a children’s neurologist, a children’s psychiatrist, a children’s nurse, a physiotherapist, and an allergist.

You can see a pediatrician without a referral. Reception financed by the Health Insurance Fund takes place only if there is a referral letter.

Paediatric cardiologist appointment

We recommend consulting a paediatric cardiologist for diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of heart disease in children, as well as for an expert opinion on any previous diagnoses or treatment plans. Children of all ages, from birth up to the age of 18, are welcome to see a paediatric cardiologist.

The appointment includes:

  • Examination of the child
  • Blood pressure measurement
  • ECG (electrocardiogram)
  • Determining further actions and treatment. Recommendations on limits for physical exercise will also be provided.

If necessary, the specialist may order additional tests (stress test, cardiac ultrasound i.e. echocardiography, 24-72 hour Holter monitoring of heart activity, etc.) to establish a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment. Examinations that are performed on children under anaesthesia (e.g. angiocardiography or cardiac auscultation, transoesophageal echocardiogram) are carried out at Tartu University Hospital.

We don’t always repeat previous examinations if they were done in the recent past and the ultrasound scan was performed by a paediatric cardiologist.

The appointment is covered by the Health Insurance Fund for suspected cardiac pathology, or for assessment of the course or treatment effectiveness of previously diagnosed heart disease. A referral from a family doctor is required. A referral is not required to see a paid paediatric cardiologist.

Attention! More information about Health Insurance Fund receptions here.


Duration up to
Paediatric cardiologist consultation
120 €
Paediatric cardiologist consultation
Health Insurance Fund
A referral is required
5 € / 20 € (al 1.04.2025)

We have several payment options. Read more HERE.


Book in self-service
Health Insurance Fund appointment


Confido Medical Centre
Veerenni 51, Tallinn

Paediatric cardiologist appointment