Analyses, examinations, procedures

Humans are exposed to thousands of pathogens every day. The immune system is continuously working to protect us against them, and its activity goes unnoticed. Vaccination helps the body’s immune system recognise and combat threats.

Vaccination results in the development of immunity similar to that of an infectious disease. This means that the human body is able to eradicate harmful micro-organisms before they multiply en mass when later exposed to the disease. This is how vaccination prevents the spread of infections.

The need for vaccination depends on a number of factors:

  • which infectious diseases the person has already had
  • which vaccinations they have already had
  • what their work-related risks are
  • whether there are dangerous disease outbreaks in Estonia
  • where they plan to travel in the near future

For any questions about vaccinations, please contact your Confido family doctor or general practitioner, who will arrange new vaccinations for you, if needed.

Health check package

Look for appointment times

Confido’s health audit is suitable for all adults who are not only looking to have their blood tested but also take an interest in the state of their health and want their health to be assessed by a doctor as well as receive recommendations on how to look after their health. The audit focuses on the risk of developing chronic diseases.

Who do we recommend this package to?

  • All adults who are interested in the state of their health
  • Those with a family history of heart disease, diabetes or other chronic diseases

What does the package consist of?

  • Nurse’s appointment
    • Measurement of blood pressure, height and weight
    • Visual acuity test
    • Assessment of disease risks
    • Blood tests
      • HbA1c (Glycohemoglobin)
      • Haemogram
      • Blood sugar
      • Creatinine, eGFR
      • Triglycerides
      • ALAT (Alanine aminotransferase)
      • ASAT
      • Cholesterol
      • HDL cholesterol
      • LDL cholesterol
      • Non-HDL cholesterol
      • Ferritin
      • TSH (Thyrotropin)
      • Vitamin D
      • CRP (from venous blood)
      • Vitamin B12
  • Doctor’s consultation at the digital clinic to interpret the results

The consultation will provide an overview of the results of your check-up as well as recommendations on adjustments to your lifestyle in order to avoid cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

On the day before the blood test, you can eat and drink as usual, but the consumption of alcohol, coffee and fatty foods should be limited. Please do not eat or drink for 10 to 14 hours before the blood test (you can drink plain water, if necessary).

The test results will arrive within three working days. The package includes a remote consultation with a doctor at the Digital Clinic. Use the code provided by the nurse when booking.

We provide this service

Confido Medical Centre
Veerenni 51, Tallinn
Confido Tartu Raatuse Clinic
Raatuse 21, Tartu
Rocca Al Mare Walk-in clinic
Paldiski maantee 102, Tallinn
Viru Walk-in clinic
4th floor, Viru Väljak 4/6, Tallinn


Health check package
225 €

We have several payment options. Read more HERE.


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Health check package