Liis Vahtra Šmutov

Clinical psychologist

Liis Vahtra-Šmutov has a master’s degree in Psychology from the University of Tartu (2008) and is a certified clinical psychologist (level 7). She has completed the supervised basic training in cognitive behavioural therapy of the Estonian Association for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. In addition, she has completed basic training in schema therapy and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy and has completed various mindfulness and self-compassion courses. She has completed Susan Bögels’ Mindful Parenting group therapy training and conducts mindfulness groups for parents based on this programme.

She is a member of the Estonian Association of Clinical Psychologists, the Estonian Association for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, the Estonian Association of Schema Therapy, and the Estonian Union of Psychologists.