Information for the doctor

Confido Medical Centre offers patients fast, convenient and comprehensive outpatient diagnostics and treatment. We provide consultations for adults, and in many specialties, also for children. We have an activity license for day patient and inpatient care in several specialties. As lecturers, we participate in trainings and research projects, and conduct clinical drug trials.

Confido has entered into a treatment funding contract with the Estonian Health Insurance Fund for appointments in the following specialities:

In Tallinn:

• Neurology
• Cardiology
• Endocrinology
• Otorhinolaryngology
• Urology
• Dermatovenereology
• Gastroenterology
• Pulmonology
• Gynaecology
• Mammology (breast health cabinet)
• Vascular surgery
• Orthodontics
• Dental care for children


In Tartu:

  • Neurology
  • Rheumatology
  • Gynaecology
  • Otorhinolaryngology
  • Psychology
  • Physiotherapy
  • Orthodontics

Our specialists carry out e-consultations at Confido in the specialties covered by the Health Insurance Fund contract:

  • Neurology
  • Cardiology
  • Endocrinology
  • Otorhinolaryngology
  • Orthopaedics
  • Urology
  • Gastroenterology
  • Pulmonology
  • Dermatovenereology
  • Gynaecology
Appointment fee for patients

A doctor’s referral is required to book an appointment for any of the specialities covered under the Estonian Health Insurance Fund contract (except for gynaecology and dermatovenereology).

Upon visiting Confido for an appointment paid for by the Estonian Health Insurance Fund, you must pay an appointment fee. From April 1, 2025, the Health Insurance Fund visit fee is €20.

The visit fee of €5 applies to an insured person who is:

  • under the age of 19;
  • pregnant (except for when out-patient treatment is provided in connection with the pregnancy or childbirth);
  • the mother of a child under one year old;
  • over the age of 63;
  • a recipient of the pension for incapacity for work or old-age pension under the State Pension Insurance Act;
  • determined to have partial or no work ability under the Work Ability Allowance Act;
  • unemployed within the meaning of the Labour Market Measures Act;
  • a recipient of the subsistence benefit under the Social Welfare Act or a member of their family, if the person or their family has received the subsistence benefit in the month of receiving specialised out-patient medical care or in the preceding two months.

Visit fees may not be charged:

  • for emergency medical care (urgent emergency medical care) if it is immediately followed by hospital treatment.
  • if out-patient treatment is provided in connection with pregnancy or childbirth.
  • if the patient is referred to another doctor or to a specialist equivalent to a health care professional within the institution.
  • if the patient is referred to another doctor specialising in the same field (incl. to another institution).
  • again within 365 days if the doctor or specialist equivalent to a health care professional leaves the patient under their monitoring or treatment.
Information and booking

Appointments covered by a health insurance contract: on the national digital registration system ( or by calling the Confido Health Insurance call centre at +372 666 2727.

If the patient is unable to come to their scheduled appointment, we ask them to call +372 666 2727 or cancel the appointment via the digital registration system.

If they do not show up to the appointment without informing us or cancel less than 24 hours before the appointment, we may charge double the appointment fee upon the next appointment.

Paid appointments:

Consultations and examinations:

Radiological examinations

Ultrasound examinations (including for children of all ages):

  • Vein and artery ultrasounds (except for peripheral arteries of the extremities)
  • Joint ultrasounds (including hip joints of infants)
  • Soft tissue ultrasounds
  • Thyroid ultrasounds
  • Abdominal and pelvic ultrasounds
  • Determination of residual urine with an ultrasound
  • Pelvic ultrasound to assess the prostate trans-abdominally, i.e. through the abdominal wall (a per rectal ultrasound is performed during an urologist’s appointment)

For ultrasounds of multiple areas, a separate referral is required for each area. Descriptions of ultrasounds are usually completed within three working days.

We do not perform mammary gland and finger ultrasounds at Confido. Subcutaneous pea-sized expansions/nodes cannot be properly assessed with an ultrasound.

X-ray examinations (including for cooperative children who are able to follow instructions):

  • Chest X-ray
  • Bone or joint X-ray
  • Spinal X-ray
  • Abdominal X-ray
  • Pelvic X-ray
  • X-ray for measuring limb axis or the full length of the spine For children, only with a specialist’s referral (such as an orthopaedist or surgeon).

Booking an appointment for an X-ray is not necessary; we see patients on a first come, first served basis.

On the basis of the referral, the radiology technician will check the suitability of the examination and consult a radiologist in the case of any doubt. Legally, the radiologist is responsible for deciding which examination to perform and whether to perform it.

Before getting an X-ray, possible pregnancy must be determined.

Descriptions of scheduled X-ray examinations are usually completed within four working days. CITO examinations are selected and completed on the same working day.

As a standard, we perform chest X-rays in two directions (AP/PA and lateral views). Since an X-ray image is inherently in 2D, performing the examination in two projections helps assess the location of the potential pathology, the retrosternal/retrocardiac space, and the costophrenic recesses. That’s why the X-rays we perform are coded under the price code 7904. We perform chest X-rays in one direction (AP/PA) only for paediatric patients or asymptomatic patients undergoing preventive screenings. In all other cases, we perform chest X-rays according to the standard protocol, which includes conducting the scan in two directions.

Computed tomography

  • Native computed tomography scan of the thoracic organs with a contrast agent
  • Computed tomography scan of the paranasal sinuses

Upon request, we can provide the images with the necessary software on a USB stick for an additional fee (€25).

Confido does not perform CT scans of the heart or peripheral blood vessels.

For children’s CT scans, please refer to the Children’s Hospital.

Magnetic resonance imaging

Confido does not perform MRI scans of the following areas: penis, mammary glands, rectum, fingers, heart. Defecography is also not performed. Examinations are not performed on patients with cardiac pacemakers.

Children’s MRI scans are performed only with a separate agreement between the referring doctor and the radiologist.


Both children and adults are welcome to consult a dermatovenerologist.

We perform various procedures and examinations:

  • Cryotherapy (warts, corns and keratosis)
  • Standard patch tests and prick tests with a range of allergens
  • Nail fungus diagnostics
  • Examination of moles

Outpatient and remote appointments:

  • Endocrinologist appointment
  • Diabetes nurse appointment


  • Hormone and imaging diagnosis of endocrine diseases
  • Thyroid ultrasounds
  • Puncturing of thyroid nodules
  • Pituitary gland MRI
  • Orbital CT and MRI
  • Diagnostic imaging of the adrenal gland, pancreas and other endocrine tumours

We offer outpatient in-person and remote appointments and perform endoscopic examinations (including gastroscopy, colonoscopy and polypectomy).
We prefer referrals though the e-consultation system.
It is also possible to refer patients for endoscopic examinations funded by the General Practitioners’ Examination Fund.


Outpatient gynaecological appointments, procedures, minor surgeries and examinations (ultrasound, MRI and CT scans):

  • Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, vaccination against HPV
  • Cervical cancer screening for patients invited by the Health Insurance Fund. If necessary, colposcopy and biopsy. In addition, we treat cervical dysplasia in the day surgery department
  • Diagnosis of tumours and surgical treatment of benign tumours
  • Ultrasound scans at the gynaecologist’s office, referral for a pelvic MRI and CT, if necessary
  • Diagnosis and treatment of urinary incontinence and pelvic floor dysfunction (including day surgery procedures). Referral to a women’s health physiotherapist, if necessary
  • Counselling on contraception, inserting an IUD or an implant
  • Laparoscopic sterilisation
  • A gynaecologic oncologist appointment for a second opinion and for oncology patient follow-up appointments
  • IOTA ultrasound, early diagnosis of ovarian cancer.

Outpatient and remote appointments:

  • Cardiologist appointment (cardiology, rhythmology, pacemaker check-up)
  • Paediatric cardiology (diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of heart disease in children aged 0-18)
  • Nursing advice (chronic heart failure, arrhythmias: atrial fibrillation, coronary artery disease)


  • ECG
  • Cardiac stress test (exercise bike and treadmill)
  • Echocardiography
  • 24-72 hour Holter monitoring of heart activity
  • Tilt table test (for examination of patients with syncope)


  • Electrical cardioversion
  • Implanting a loop recorder

Syncope centre

We offer a systematic and comprehensive approach within a single medical institution for those with a history of single or recurrent syncope. The syncope centre welcomes patients who:

  • have not yet found a cause for their fainting;
  • have fainting episodes during anxiety or panic attacks;
  • are over 50 years old and have fainted for the first time;
  • have recurrent fainting episodes;
  • have an injury associated with fainting (e.g. a fall).

Patients of all ages who have concerns or questions regarding their breast health are welcome to the Confido breast health cabinet. The midwife working in the breast health cabinet counsels patients, performs breast examinations and, if necessary, refers the patient to a breast ultrasound or mammogram.


We provide outpatient in-person and remote appointments in both Tartu and Tallinn:

  • Neurologist appointment
  • Paediatric neurologist appointment

A referral from a Confido neurologist is needed to see a speech therapist, a neuropsychologist or a nurse specialised in headaches and Parkinson’s disease.

Examinations with a specialist’s or family doctor’s referral (digital referral):

  • Electroencephalography (EEG)
  • Electroneuromyography (ENMG)
  • Electroneuromyography (ENG)
Youth Counselling Centres – free sexual health counselling

Confido’s Youth Counselling Centre is open to all young people up to the age of 26 with questions about sexual health, pregnancy and its prevention, and any psychological and social problems affecting their lives.

All appointments, consultations and examinations are free of charge for young people, whether or not they have health insurance.


Both children and adults are welcome to consult an otorhinolaryngologist.

Examinations, procedures and surgeries:

  • Audiometry
  • Tympanometry
  • Upper airway endoscopy
  • Turbinate submucous resection
  • Stopping nosebleeds
  • Necessary analyses and radiological examinations
  • Surgical treatment (adenoidectomy, tonsillectomy, etc.)

Patients with a range of the most common lung diseases, such as bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, COPD, pulmonary tumours, sleep-related breathing disorders and chronic respiratory failure, are welcome to see a pulmonologist.

We perform early diagnosis of lung cancer We also diagnose post-COVID-19 lung damage.

We perform diagnosis of lung diseases:

  • Functional diagnostic examinations of the lungs: spirography, bronchodilator test, fractional exhaled nitric oxide testing (FeNO), provocation tests, lung diffusion testing, spiroergometry, exercise-induced asthma diagnosis
  • Radiological examinations of the lungs and airways: chest X-ray, computed tomography (native and with a contrast agent)
  • Blood tests and bacteriological examinations to diagnose lung diseases; arterial blood gas analyses to assess respiratory failure
  • Allergy diagnosis
  • Diagnosis of sleep-related breathing disorders (including sleep apnoea): overnight digitalised pulse oximetry, partial-volume respiratory polygraphy and full-volume respiratory polygraphy.

In the diagnosis of sleep-related breathing disorders, we use an extended sleep medicine approach for insomnia, hypersomnia, sleep-wake disorders and sleep-related movement disorders (including restless legs syndrome). We provide consultations for adults.

In addition, we offer training in the use of inhalers during nurse’s appointments, training in the use of nebulisers and breathing aids, home oxygen therapy as a palliative method, and testing and monitoring of positive airway pressure (APAP, CPAP, etc.) therapies.


Orthopaedic consultations, examinations and procedures: computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, X-ray, ultrasound and laboratory examinations as well as simpler therapeutic procedures, including local injections, bandaging and physiotherapy.

The following surgeries are performed either on a day surgery or inpatient basis:

  • Joint endoprosthesis (hip, knee, shoulder, fingers)
  • Treatment of sports injuries
  • Knee, hip and shoulder arthroscopy
  • Hand and wrist surgery

Outpatient urological consultations, procedures and examinations, surgical treatment:

  • Endoscopic treatment of kidney stones
  • Treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia
  • Urological surgery
  • Surgical treatment of urinary incontinence
  • Prostate biopsy, which can also be performed under anaesthesia (pre-registration and a prior appointment with an urologist or urology nurse is required)

To diagnose bladder problems, urinary disorders, kidney disorders and prostate disorders in men, we conduct a transrectal ultrasound of the prostate, along with a prostate biopsy, if necessary.

Urologists also provide regular follow-up appointments for patients with bladder and genital tumours.

For patients with recurring kidney stones, it is also possible to perform metabolic testing to determine the causes of the kidney stones.

Vascular surgery

Vascular surgeon appointments and procedures:

  • Artery bypass
  • Creation of an arteriovenous fistula etc.

Consultations and surgical treatment for varicose veins are offered as a paid service.