Orthopedist consultation
Look for appointment timesAn orthopedist deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system (i.e. the bones, joints and muscles). You should consult an orthopedist if you have joint diseases, problems caused by overuse, injuries or congenital malformations of the musculoskeletal system.
The orthopedist consultation includes:
- interviewing the patient and collecting and recording their medical history
- examining the patient, compiling a diagnostics and treatment plan, determining the diagnosis
- prescribing treatment
- counselling the patient in taking care of and improving their health
- counselling the patient on work and lifestyle arrangements
- recommending and prescribing medications
- providing documentation certifying the provision of services .
Upon an orthopedist’s referral, we also perform additional examinations, including computed tomography scans, magnetic resonance imaging, X-rays, ultrasounds and laboratory tests, as well as simpler treatment procedures such as local injections, dressings and physiotherapy.
At the Confido Surgery Centre, we offer a full range of orthopedic services:
- joint endoprosthesis (hip, knee, shoulder, fingers)
- treatment of sports injuries
- knee, hip and shoulder arthroscopy
- hand and wrist surgery.
Orthopedic surgeries are performed either on a day surgery or inpatient basis.
- We also provide orthopedics services under the Estonian Health Insurance Fund. Appointments financed by the Estonian Health Insurance Fund can only be booked by calling +372 666 2727 or through the National eBooking System.
- PLEASE NOTE! Estonian Health Insurance Fund appointments only take place in Tallinn. The patient will have to pay the standard appointment fee of €5. A referral is required to book an appointment. More information about Estonian Health Insurance Fund appointments can be found here.
In the case of a paid appointment, additional examinations and/or procedures may be required, and these will be charged according to the price list.
When booking a consultation through our self-service system, please note that different orthopedists specialise in different areas (e.g. hip, knee, elbow). Please pick the orthopedist who can help you with your specific problem.
The orthopedists at Tartu Raatuse Clinic accept patients from the age of 16. A referral is not required for paid appointments.
Service providers

Armin Heiman
Mihkel Mardna
Jüri Pere
Meelis Sula
Hardi Kaljurand
Head of Tartu Surgery Clinic, Orthopedist
Paul-Sander Vahi
Krista Ühtegi
Tauno Kalvet
Madis Rahu
Villem Teder
Vladimir Reiman
Alo Kullerkann
Taavi Hõrandi
Vladimir Košelev
Erekle Dzotsenidze
Rein Raie, MD PHD
Kätlin Puksand
Karl Pintsaar
Spine surgeon
Laura Villemson
OrthopedistSeda teenust osutame
Orthopedist consultation
Orthopedist consultation
Estonian Health Insurance FundOrthopedist consultation
We have several payment options. Read more HERE.
Orthopedist consultation