For women

Disease prevention and early detection and can help prolong your lifespan and longevity and reduce the incidence of disease. Both consultations with doctors and examinations/tests to monitor women’s health and intervene in time play an important role in disease prevention.

STD analysis package for women

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In general, there are diseases that cause ulcers in the genitals (syphilis, genital herpes), inflammatory diseases (chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, etc.), and diseases that are sexually transmitted but cause general illness (HIV infection) or visceral diseases (hepatitis B). People often carry and spread pathogens without even knowing it. It does not matter if the reason is having casual intercourse or symptoms suggestive of a sexually transmitted disease, we recommend getting tested for reassurance and your own peace of mind.

Symptoms in which you should certainly get yourself tested:

  • In men, for example, blisters or ulcers in the genital area, painful urination, rectal discharge, etc. You can find the STD package designed for men here: STD testing for men.
  • In women, for example, discharge from the vagina, it has changed characteristics or accompanying bad odor, and abnormal bleeding during intercourse. You can find the STD package designed for women here: STD testing for women.

For peace of mind, we also recommend testing if:

  • You have recently had more than one sexual partner.
  • Your partner has been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease.
  • You have had unprotected sex with a new or casual sexual partner.
  • You are starting a new sexual relationship.

It is important to know about the latent period of sexually transmitted diseases

To test for HIV, hepatitis B and syphilis, it is recommended to give a blood test one month after possible contact with the infection. Blood tests given before this may not guarantee correct results. It is recommended to give a vaginal swab analysis one month after possible contact with the infection

When you develop symptoms, you should see a doctor immediately.

The Sexually Transmitted Diseases Package includes:

  • Vaginal swab:
    • chlamydia (C. trachomatis and C. trachomatis LGV),
    • Trichomoniasis,
    • gonorrhoea (tripper),
    • mycoplasmosis (M.genitalium).
  • Blood test:
    • Syphilis,
    • HIV,
    • hepatitis B.
  • If necessary, a remote consultation with a general practitioner (included in the price).

Test results will arrive within five working days from the date of the collection of the samples. The nurse will inform you about the results by phone. If necessary, refers the patient to a general practitioner’s remote appointment (included in the price) for a consultation or prescription.

It is also possible to perform the STD test separately, without a doctor’s consultation. You can see the results of the venous blood tests or urine DNA tests at or, if you wish, we will send them with an encrypted e-mail. To obtain a prescription or for a consultation, it is necessary to book a separate appointment with a general practitioner (for an additional fee).

All STD tests can also be performed separately, as individual tests. To do this, send a request or call 1330.

P.S. STD testing is FREE OF CHARGE for young people up to and including 26 years of age at the youth office. Read more or book an appointment.


Vaginal examination can be performed at the clinic on site, where the midwife takes the test on the designated gynecological examination chair.

  • Choose a package – STD testing package for women (self-testing)
  • Book a self-testing service and come to the clinic at the agreed time.
  • In the clinic, a nurse will take a blood test, and for DNA analysis you will be directed to the clinic’s toilet to take a sample on your own.
  • Only DNA analysis is a service – STD tests for women (DNA analyses), which does not need to be booked in advance.
  • Testing kits are available for sale at clinic receptions, mention “self-testing of DNA analyzes” as the name of the service. The test can be done privately in the toilet of our clinic or you can take the sample home with you. Return the test to the reception desk of the appropriate emergency clinic.

All venereal disease tests can also be performed separately, as an individual analysis. To do this, send a request or call 1330.

P.S. STD tests are FREE in the youth office for young people up to and including 26 years of age. Read more or book an appointment.

STD tests for women (DNA analysis)
STD tests from blood
Disease latency
The sample is taken from
Vaginal swab and venous blood
DNA tests – vaginal swabs
From venous blood
Chlamydia (C. tracho- matis ja C. trachomatis LGV)
30 days
30 days
30 days
Mycoplasmosis (M. genitalium)
30 days
30 days
30 days
30 days
30 days
Remote consultation of a general practitioner (for issuing a prescription)
150 €
95 €
45 €

We provide this service

Confido Medical Centre
Veerenni 51, Tallinn
Viru Walk-in clinic
4th floor, Viru Väljak 4/6, Tallinn

STD analysis package for women