General surgery

General surgery is a broad specialty that deals with the diagnosis and (surgical) treatment of diseases affecting the skin and soft tissues, abdominal wall, endocrine system, and, in depth, the gastrointestinal tract.

Umbilical hernia surgery

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An umbilical hernia is the protrusion of internal organs through a defect in the navel. In adults, umbilical hernias are usually caused by increased intra-abdominal pressure due to factors such as obesity, multiple pregnancy, previous abdominal surgery, frequent constipation or intense physical exertion.

Symptoms of umbilical hernia include severe pain in the navel area when coughing or sneezing, changes in navel size or colour and swelling and tenderness upon touch. In the early stages, the hernia can be manually pushed back into the abdominal cavity while lying down, but this does not address its root cause. An umbilical hernia (like other hernias) can become incarcerated, trapping part of the intestine in the hernia opening. This can lead to impaired blood supply and compromise the viability of the intestine. It is therefore very important to monitor your symptoms carefully and seek medical attention in good time.


During surgery, the surgeon removes the hernia sac through a skin incision. A mesh implant is then inserted through the navel opening to reinforce the affected tissue and reduce the risk of recurrence. Surgery to remove an umbilical hernia can be performed under local or general anaesthesia.


You may need to stay in hospital for observation for 24 hours after the surgery. You can go on short walks the day after the surgery. Avoid lifting heavy objects (over 15 kg) for the first 14 days. Pain at the surgical site may be present in the first few weeks after surgery.

More information on wound care and at-home treatment is available HERE.

Umbilical hernia in children

An umbilical hernia is a condition in which part of the internal organs (usually fatty tissue or intestines) protrude through a weak spot in the abdominal wall in the navel area. It appears as a small or large bulge at the navel, which may become more pronounced, especially when the child strains, cries or coughs.

Main causes of umbilical hernia

  • In infants and young children: umbilical hernia often occurs when the opening in the abdominal wall through which the umbilical cord passes during pregnancy does not close completely after birth.
  • Risk factors: prematurity, low birth weight and increased intra-abdominal pressure (e.g. due to constipation or cough).

Typical symptoms

  • A visible bulge in the navel area, which may disappear when the child lies on their back.
  • It does not usually cause any pain, but there may be discomfort in some cases.

Although an umbilical hernia often resolves on its own within the first two to three years of life, surgical treatment may be necessary if:

  • The hernia has not closed by four to five years of age
  • The hernia becomes larger or causes discomfort
  • Complications such as tissue incarceration occur, which can cause pain, swelling or impaired blood supply


Surgery to repair umbilical hernias in children is performed under general anaesthesia. The surgeon:

  • Makes a small incision in the navel
  • Places the protruding tissues back into the abdominal cavity
  • Closes the hernia opening with stitches or reinforcing material

The surgery is relatively quick, usually lasting 30 to 60 minutes.


  • Most children can go home on the day of the surgery.
  • Full recovery takes about one to two weeks.
  • Physical exertion and heavy lifting should be avoided until full recovery.
  • Rarely, complications such as wound infection or hernia recurrence may occur, but these can generally be treated effectively.

Umbilical hernia surgery is a safe and effective procedure that ensures the child’s well-being and prevents serious complications.

More information on wound care and at-home treatment is available HERE.


Confido Medical Centre
Veerenni 51, Tallinn


Duration up to
General surgeon consultation
130 €
Open surgery of umbilical hernia
From 2000 €
Laparoscopic surgery of umbilical hernia
From 2650 €
Pediatric surgeon consultation
110 €
30 min
Umbilical hernia surgery in children
From 1200 €

We have several payment options. Read more HERE.


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Umbilical hernia surgery