Single tests

We offer a range of individual analyses or analyses packages that have been compiled by doctors. If you would like to have a specific individual analysis or you know exactly which analyses you would like, please book an appointment to see a nurse.

Analysis packages are suitable for preventive health checks or specific concerns or if you would like a comprehensive overview of your health.

A referral is not needed for paid analyses or to consult a nurse.

Complete blood count and haemoglobin (hemogram with 5-part leukogram)


Make an appointment via booking form

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A complete blood count with white blood cell differential is a complex test that measures the levels of haemoglobin in blood and counts blood cells (leukocytes, erythrocytes, platelets). The test provides an overview of the current state of the organism and allows the nature of the disease process to be specified. The complete blood count shows the ability to transport oxygen and the state of fluid balance in the body. The total number of leukocytes and the leukogram allow the state of the immune system and the presence of inflammation to be assessed.

We provide this service

Confido Medical Centre
Veerenni 51, Tallinn
Viru Walk-in clinic
4th floor, Viru Väljak 4/6, Tallinn
Rocca Al Mare Walk-in clinic
Paldiski maantee 102, Tallinn
Confido Tartu Raatuse Clinic
Raatuse 21, Tartu

Complete blood count and haemoglobin (hemogram with 5-part leukogram)