Body treatments

Body treatments at the aesthetics clinic are designed to support your journey towards a healthier desired body. A beautiful and healthy body always starts with a balanced diet and physical activity, but our body treatments will help you achieve these goals more effectively. Our body treatments improve the quality of the skin, contribute to the production of collagen, help get rid of fat cells and cellulite and improve muscle tone.

Shockwave therapy ZWave 

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Shockwave therapy ZWave is a procedure for tightening the skin and shaping the body’s contours. A high-energy radial wave is used in shockwave therapy. The wave travels from the applicator into the soft tissues, improving blood supply to them, which in turn accelerates the disintegration of fats and promotes collagen generation. The skin’s elasticity and quality improves with the generation of collagen and the tightening of the skin is visible after just a couple of procedures.

Shockwave therapy is used as a separate procedure or alongside other procedures, primarily with methods that reduce fat tissues such as cryolipolysis, liposuction or syringe liposuction. As a separate procedure, shockwave therapy is used to treat cellulite, connective tissue weakness and scars or to improve the quality of the skin in the thighs, buttocks, abdomen and arms.

It is a non-invasive, painless and multifaceted procedure with tangible results. The length of the procedure depends on the individual, the selected area and the desired results, with between six and ten procedures being the norm.


  • cellulite
  • connective tissue weakness
  • post-surgical and post-trauma scars
  • stretch marks (striae)
  • fat tissue reduction
  • skin tightening
  • supporting lymphatic drainage

Regarding the suitability of the procedure, we recommend consulting with a specialist. If it is not possible to perform the booked procedure due to the client’s reasons, the client will be responsible for the consultation fee.


  • blood flow disturbances that occur in or near the area of the procedure
  • open wounds
  • tumour processes
  • signs of infection or inflammatory skin diseases in the area of the procedure
  • implementation directly onto cartilage area or near the vertebral column
  • use of electronic medical equipment (such as a pacemaker)
  • metal implants
  • use of medications that affect blood coagulation
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding

Shockwave therapy results

  • cellulite reduction
  • improvement of circulation
  • scar tissue softening
  • improvement in skin elasticity and strength
  • cell regeneration

Regarding the suitability of the procedure, we recommend consulting with a specialist. If it is not possible to perform the booked procedure due to the client’s reasons, the client will be responsible for the consultation fee.

After the procedure is completed, there is no recovery time and you can return to your everyday life. A change in skin sensitivity may occur but this will recover quickly.

Good to know! We recommend that you combine shockwave therapy with cryolipolysis. Cryolipolysis allows you to lose fat; afterwards, ZWave shockwave therapy can immediately tighten your skin. This results in a visible reduction in fat tissue and stronger and tighter skin. 


Viru Aesthetics Clinic
4th floor, Viru Square 4/6, Tallinn


Duration up to
Shock wave therapy for the treatment of cellulite
(thighs, buttocks)
40 €
30 min
Shock wave therapy for skin tightening in 1 area
(arms, stomach, buttocks+backs of thighs or inner thighs+fronts of thighs)
40 €
20 min
Shockwave therapy for skin tightening in 4 areas
120 €
60 min
Shock wave therapy in 1 area 5x session
140 €
5x 20 min
Body treatments consultatsion
25 €
20 min

We have several payment options. Read more HERE.


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Shockwave therapy ZWave